Summer 2022! Is Your Pool Ready?

To get ready to open the swimming pool for the season easily, we advise starting the procedure at least a week before you intend to swim. It may take a few days to restore a pool after the winter, depending on how it was maintained during the cooler months. 

To get your swimming pool summer ready, follow these simple instructions: 

  • Step 1. Remove all leaves, dirt and debris:

Your initial shocking and chemical treatment will be more effective the less debris there is in the water. Be sure to vacuum and brush the pool’s sidewalls to eliminate biofilm accumulation. Keep the pump going when cleaning so the dirt will be drawn into the filter and taken out of the water. Use a high-quality pool surface cleaner to clean the liner or tile line. Household cleaners should be avoided since they might change the pH of the water and add phosphates, which can later encourage the formation of algae.

  • Step 2. Raise the water level to the appropriate operating level:

A good indicator is located in the middle of the skimmer’s mouth. To start cleaning up the water and preparing it for the initial shock, it is now an excellent idea to add an algaecide or a natural pool clarifier to the water. Utilise only algaecide that has at least 30% active components. 

  • Step 3. Add chemicals to the pool:

Depending on how clean your pool is, you may need to add more chemicals during the first summer shock. As the ideal products for a chlorine shock, we advise utilising unstabilised sanitiser (AKA) Cal-Hypo or Blended Trichlor/Tetraborate. With the initial start-up, avoid using a non-chlorine shock. A good chlorine residual is required. Make careful to run the filter continuously for 48 to 72 hours after adding the initial shock and algaecide. During this time, DO NOT backwash the filter. Allow the chemicals and the filter to perform their jobs.

  • Step 4. The first time you start your pump:

For at least ten minutes, run the pump. The pump must be “primed” with water. Keep it dry because the system will be under more stress and strain, and the pump may be damaged.

  • Step 5. Test your water

Before testing the water, remember to filter it for 24 hours: Use test strips or a test kit, or bring it to a pool specialist. If necessary, adjust the pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness. The following pool water balance specifications are advised:

  1.  pH 7.2 – 7.8 (Ideal 7.4)
  2.  100 to 200 ppm Total Alkalinity (Ideal 120)
  3.  200 to 300 ppm Calcium Hardness (Ideal 250)
  4.  Free Chlorine: 2–3 ppm
  5.  30 to 50ppm of Cyanuric acid